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How can I report scams on Dua?

If you want to report someone for a scam, contact us at To assist us in addressing the issue, you can either send us a screenshot of the profile in question or take the following steps to report it directly from your profile.

Here's how:

1. Click on the name of the person you want to report

2. Tap on the three dots you see on the right side of the screen

3. Click "Report"

4. After clicking "Report", you will see a list of options for why you are reporting that profile

5. Chose your reason (e.g., fake profile/fake photo)

6. Tap "Other" if your reason is not listed and provide us with a more detailed explanation

7. Finally, click "Submit."

We take user safety and the integrity of our platform very seriously. Your report will help us investigate and take the appropriate action.

Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and respectful community.

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